In this blog, we embark on a journey of discovery, exploring Aikido's rich history, its profound principles, and its practical applications in today's world. Whether you're a seasoned martial artist seeking new insights or a curious novice intrigued by the art's enigmatic allure, join us as we delve into the essence of Aikido and uncover the secrets behind its profound impact on both the practitioner and the world around them.

The Essence of the Sensei
When we hear the word ‘sensei’, we may begin to picture an interesting or captivating hero-like character – possibly with a mix of Mr Miyagi's smarts, Toshiro Mifune's deep thinking, and Jedi Master Yoda's mysterious vibes. This picture, shaped by movies and stories is filled with Japanese mystique and often finds its own cosy spot in our minds.

What is a hakama and who wears it?
In the realm of Aikido, there exists a garment of profound significance known as hakama.

A Short Story by Terry Dobson
This story is an excerpt by Aikido master Terry Dobson in the anthology “The Peaceful Warrior”.

Aikido and its Relevance to 21st Century
In the age of the 21st century, the timeless wisdom of Aikido continues to captivate minds and stir questions. Many sceptics wonder if Aikido holds its ground in the intense battlegrounds of MMA or real-life confrontations.